The Sunday Salon

A happy week of reading for me. I finished up The Hobbit on Monday night for the Lord of the Rings Read-Along, read Maeve Binchy’s Heart and Soul which was nice and comforting, and started The Wild Hunt by Elizabeth Chadwick. I also managed to snag some good library loot.

I spent a lot of time thinking about my reading habits for some reason this past week. A lot of bloggers are talking about cutting back, reading deliberately, and so on. Guess it got me thinking. I generally read what I want, take breaks a lot, and go on the occasional binge. The library seems to be one such binge this month. I stayed away from the library for most of December knowing I wouldn’t have time to read and now that January is here, I’ve gone overboard. In addition to the books I have out and the holds that came in, I still have a few holds out and a list ready to go for the next round. I decided that what I’m going to do is make January a library book month. I plan to finish all the books I have out and not check out any more out until March. February is going to be a read my own books month. It’s not as if I don’t have any…

There’s a very good chance that I will not stick to this plan whatsoever. In fact, I’m sure I won’t and, when February dawns, I will still be reading my library books and my books that I waited forever to get, will still be sitting on the shelf. This is why I don’t make resolutions — I never stick to them. Either way, I’m going to try my little plan out for at least two months and see how far I get and have already promised myself that no guilt will be involved. In the end, I’m still reading the books I want to.

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