Things I should be doing

TSSbadge1Right now, I should be writing a piece for a class I’m taking. Obviously, that’s not happening because I’m clearly writing this instead.

I should get on posting a whole load of reviews that I’m saving for what I can only determine is a very special event.

I would like to finish reading Tana French’s Faithful Place. I also want to start Dreams and Shadows by C. Robert Cargill which came in the mail the other days and looks so good. That might actually happen since I’m obviously all about procrastinating on the writing efforts today. And really, the way I see it, finishing a book is always an accomplishment.

Maybe some tea and a nice warm breakfast will help me think. Yes, I’m sure that’s what I’m missing. Pancakes it is. And, no, this is not procrastination this is following dietary guidelines that say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yea, whatever, I know exactly what I’m doing.

Read any good books this week? February is turning out to be slow reading month for me but that’s not surprising with everything else I threw on my plate this month.

4 thoughts on “Things I should be doing

  1. Absolutely eat some pancakes!! You can’t skip breakfast!
    My reading has also slowed down this month due to life interfering with book reading. I’m certainly enjoying the two books I’m reading at the moment, The Black Prism by Brent Weeks, and Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff, but finding the time to get to them has been a bit difficult.

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